Jenkins County Schools

headphones and headsets - settings - (READ 180)

The headphones and headsets should work better with the new system. Plugging in them in should be all that you have to do.
I would test them, however, to troubleshoot.
To test:
1. Go to Start.
2. Go to programs
3. Go to all programs.
4. Go to Accessories.
5. Go to Sound Recorder.
6. Go to Start Recording.
You should be able to listen to your recording. If it prompts you to save, type "test" in the file name, save on the DESKTOP, and then open that file up (on the desktop). You will then be able to hear your recording.

Settings: These settings must be in place.
Go to the speaker in the bottom right of your screen. Right click. Go to Sound.
Click on Microphone. Properties. Make sure "Use this device" is enabled. Under levels YOU NEED TO CLICK THE MICROPHONE BOOST.
Under Headphones, properties, check the levels for volume needed.
Make sure headphones is listed as plugged in and the default device.
Click "Reduce the volume of other sounds by 80%." Click Ok.

After following these steps, you can go back to the test sound recorder and try again to see if you solved any problems.
Please encourage students NOT to adjust levels once you have set them.

These procedures worked when I tested them on several computers.


Article Details

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Date added:
08-30-2011 08:45
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